Life,  Motherhood

You’re not alone momma!

When I am down and out, I tend to write what I need to hear. And if I need to hear it, chances are somebody else does too! So, this is for all you mommas out there who are frustrated, exhausted and so over whatever phase your child is currently in – you are not alone!

🎵You’re gonna miss this, you’re gonna want this back🎵 – This song keeps running through my head – I think as a reminder that things change so quickly and that we have to remember to slow down and enjoy each phase, even if it is a no-so-fun one, because before you know it’s gone…

Things were going so well a few weeks ago that I finally decided we had a decent routine down and that I could totally meet my writing goals…these two munchkins just laughed and said watch this mom!

Both boys have been sick, which has thrown the littlest’s “super easy sleeper” schedule ALL out if wack….no more sleeping through the night and getting a few hours to myself in the mornings.

THEN, somebody (me) decided to buy underwear – just to have on hand when the biggest is ready – guess who saw them and insisted on wearing them the minute I took them out of the sack? Yep, that’s how our potty training venture started.

Now, mind you, I am totally aware of how quickly phases can change and that you never (and I mean NEVER) count on anything being the same from day to day, but I guess I just got a little cocky.

Anyway, during my middle of the night feedings, I tend to scroll aimlessly through Facebook to try and keep myself awake and a post from a friend if mine caught my eye. They are in the heart of “new parenthood” – the part where everything changes from week to week and you feel like you are drowning in information but none of it seems to pertain to your child – and my heart went out to her. I remember those days! It wasn’t long ago (2 years to be exact) that I was a brand new mom and completely overwhelmed. Now, I am just as overwhelmed this time around but I know that this too shall pass.

So, what I’m trying to say momma, you got this! You are not alone! It won’t last forever and if you ever, EVER need anything you just reach out. I’m sure there are many people that have offered their help and I’ve learned they wouldn’t offer if they didn’t mean it AND it is NOT a weakness to take it! If you live close, I’ll come help! If you don’t live close, I’m great at one handed texting 😉

One Comment

  • Charlotte Sell

    Life is full of changes! It’s the learning how to adjust and have the “grow where you are planted” mentality that lets you find the joy no matter what!