
Pondering National Siblings Day

Apparently today is national siblings day. At least that is what scrolling through Facebook tells me.

Most of the time I don’t pay much heed to such days, but for some reason today is different.

I just dropped Rexton off in the tractor with my uncle. (Before I realized it was national siblings day, because it has just been one of those days where you can’t even slow down and get two seconds to yourself to pee!) I know, you are thinking, what does this have to do with siblings Anna? But bear with me!!

As I pulled away from the field I lost it! I was so mad and thankful all at the same time! I am so thankful that I have family and friends who love my children as if they were their own! Thankful that I have people in my life who are willing to help me by taking the kids for an hour or two. Thankful for the people who are willing to be there for them no matter what.

Then I got MAD! MAD – because there is a huge void that cannot be filled in my kids’ lives. MAD – that no matter how much we try, there will always be moments in every day that I wish I could share with their uncle Rem. Moments where I say to myself, Rem should be doing this with them!

I know Rem is here, watching day in and day out because, believe it or not, I truly think Rexton sees and talks to him! Out of the blue he will tell me that he is inviting Remmy over for supper or to play with his toys. You can’t tell me that Rem’s not present in one form or another!

Anyway, I got sidetracked, sorry!!

Back to National Siblings Day…

I am fortunate to have two younger brothers. We had our trials growing up, but it has been amazing to watch our relationships grow as we have gotten older. I often find myself turning to them for advice and help more than I ever thought I would. I am the older sister and therefore, I should be the one giving help and advice but you know what!? They are pretty good at it themselves!

Jerrod – The older younger brother!
Conrad aka “Bubba” – the younger younger brother!

The most amazing thing that has come with having brothers is the “sisters” I get out of it! As it was so perfectly put the other day, my “someday” sister- in-laws are amazing! Growing up, I always wanted sisters, but as I got into high school and realized that I didn’t really like the drama that comes with being a girl, I was super happy to have had only brothers! But again, in my adult life, it is awesome to have these women around! Knowing that I can lean on them, knowing they are there willing to do whatever they can to help, and getting to be able to be there for them in the same capacity is just awesome!

I also am fortunate to have a “big brother” – an uncle that is just a few years older than I am. (He also happens to be my husband’s best friend – again, one of those stories for another day!) Growing up, I was always eager for his approval and most of the time jealous of the things he got to do that I didn’t! (Totally more like siblings in that respect!) I am so thankful that he is in my life and my kids’ lives. I know that he will be there no matter what, for me and for them!

Chance & me circa 1989-ish? – The “big brother”

Finally, I am so thankful for my brother-in-law. He was an amazing man! I remember when he found out we were expecting our first child. I think he was more excited than we were! Watching him show an interest in Rexton even as a newborn was so awesome! (I don’t know about you, but watching a man turn into a big ol’ teddy bear when they are with babies/kids MELTS MY FREAKING HEART!) 💚

Rem & Rexton

I was asked the other day if we were done having children. My answer right away was NO! I always knew that I wanted more than two children (even though each time I am pregnant, I swear I am never having another one!) After losing Rem, that thought has been even more profound.

Looking at the day from Reuben’s standpoint – it is kind of a hard pill to swallow; Reuben will always have a brother even though he is not here in the capacity we wish he was! 💙

Anyway, I guess my point is – I am thankful for siblings, no matter the capacity they have come into my life; I love them all the same!

I encourage you to take the time today to reach out to your siblings and/or “siblings” and let them know how much they mean to you! Sometimes we take them for granted and assume that they know how we feel about them…even if they know, it is still nice to hear once in a while 😉


  • Diane Wettstein

    Anna thank you for this. It is true every word is. Siblings are your network that is part of you not just in blood buy mind body and soul.
    It saddens me that I myself are not as close as we should be, BUT I check in on them and that my to know what’s going in.

    Now my own kids are in a split situation and it pains me. Regret is hard to live with,and as your family has experienced loss comes with the price of an empty space.

    I love my siblings and even far apart I hope they had a great day.