
Movin’ On Up

Wow! When things start moving around here, you have a hard time keeping up!

Yesterday (Tuesday), Reuben’s level of care was downgraded from ICU to progressive care! Tomorrow (Thursday) he is headed to the rehab floor!

He still has his trach and feeding tube. They are working on swallowing exercises to help him learn how to eat with the trach in. It sounds like either Friday or Monday they will try the swallow test again.

He was up and walking quite a bit today. We even got to take a wheelchair for a little stroll around the hospital. I think it did a world of good just to get out of a tiny hospital room for a bit. For those of you who may not know Reuben very well, he does not sit still for very long, nor does he spend much time indoors so being couped up has been a bit of a struggle!

Thank you all for the continued prayers, thoughts, well wishes and support! I know I keep saying it, but I don’t know how we would be getting through this without all of you! We are so blessed!!

I have a personal request for all of you tonight. There are a few families that we have become close with during our stay here. If you could, please send up a prayer for their loved ones as well! They have become family to us and we hope and pray they are as fortunate as we have been to have so much support.

Now, I must get some sleep! (The new room has a couch that I can sleep on! No more sleeping on a bench in the waiting room!!) You know how they say sleep when the baby sleeps? I think my new motto is sleep when the patient sleeps! Again, thank you all for everything you have done!!

***This update was originally shared on Reuben’s CaringBridge site on 11-7-18.***