Food For Thought,  Life

It’s called a “calling” for a reason

Follow your dreams, even if you think they are crazy!

When I became a mom in 2016, my whole life changed in an instant! And, I’m not just talking about having a tiny human to keep alive…

I suddenly became a stay-at-home mom. This meant we were down to one fluctuating income. (My husband owns his own business, so it isn’t always a guarantee what our monthly income will be.) It was in the plan to stay home, but I didn’t feel the magnitude of that decision until the day we left the hospital to head home. What have I done?!? We knew we were having a baby (obviously!) but we didn’t prepare, didn’t have a savings to rely on, didn’t realize how expensive children are to raise! I mean, everyone talks about it but really, $30+ for formula once a week adds up quickly and it’s not something you realize until you are there, in the store looking at the wall of formula, wondering if maybe your sanity isn’t more important than your checking account balance! (I’ll tell you about choosing my sanity over breastfeeding later.)

After a few months of feeling isolated in my own home, only having conversations with a smiley baby; I realized I needed to do something for me. Something that made me feel like more than just a peed on, puked on, crappy-at-her-job housekeeper. (Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom but I lost myself in the process…more on that later) And, I needed to help bring in some income. I started researching and came up with a few ideas.

When I looked at my list I realized, I really just want to help people and make things 😂! In all seriousness though, nothing that I felt “called” to do would bring any sort of substantial income to the table while allowing me to still be the gofer for Reuben and keep my children out of daycare. So, back to the drawing board it was.

I tried a few different things here and there but nothing really “stuck”. It was hard to make time on the outside world’s schedule to get things accomplished. Let’s face it, a baby doesn’t care what time it is…usually what my husband needed me to do was more important (his business is our livelihood!)…and in all reality, I am not cut out to be a salesman.

For years I had thought about starting a blog. I’d watch others and think “If they can do it, why can’t I?” But, alas, I really was just too scared to take the plunge UNTIL that fateful day when our lives were turned upside down. I realized then, that I have a voice and the only thing stopping me from being heard is me!

So….I started thinking and writing….researching and brainstorming. I was trying to have everything figured out before putting myself out there. What do I say? What if nobody likes what I write? How do I make any money at this? Too nervous to actually pull the trigger and start….until one day I woke up and decided it is now or never! Sometimes you just have to take the plunge and have faith that it will all work out the way it is supposed to!

I threw together a logo, picked a name from my list of possibilities and jumped in head first! And you know what?!? I am SO glad I did! I finally feel like I have a purpose outside of being a wife, mother, errand runner and crappy-at-her-job housekeeper!!

So, what I’m trying to say is, GO FOR IT! I still don’t know what to say or if anyone will care what I have to say. I have no idea how to make any money at this or if I even want to make it about money. All I know is, I am a work in progress, this is a work in progress, life is a work in progress!

Do you have something that you have been thinking about for a long time? Something that keeps nagging at you? Something that makes your heart pump when you think about it? That right there my friend is a calling! Take it!