
It’s all in the name – Why I chose Leo & Lucy

Several people have asked where I came up with Leo & Lucy so here’s the skinny!

When I sat down and made my list of possible names for this little venture of mine, I took it as seriously as if I was naming my child….

I wanted it to have meaning, I wanted it to be able to grow with me and this journey, I wanted it to be professional but fun…

So, Leo and Lucy it is! Named after two very important women in my life – my grandmothers!

Grandma Lucille & I – The night Base Hit Bar closed 9-1-15

Lucille (Lucy) is my mom’s mom. She does NOT go by Lucy and if she even for a second thought I was saying Lucy is her name she would KILL me! Anyway, she was one of my second moms growing up. There are times when I say or do something that I can see her come out in me. She is the one who taught me to “kill them with kindness” and that it was ok to cry but you have to get up and move on too!

From the time we moved away, just before my 11th birthday, until I was in high school, she would come to wherever we lived for my birthday. I would get to skip school and we would go shopping, out to eat and have a girls day. You see, her birthday is two days after mine AND I am the only granddaughter on that side of the family…you could say I was/am a little spoiled 🙂

Jerrod, Grandma Leona & I – Albuquerque 2017

Leona (Leo) is my dad’s mom. Growing up she and I weren’t as close as I was with Grandma Lucille. I think that was mostly because we lived farther away. But, since I moved back to the area, she and I have taken a few trips together. A few years ago for Christmas, my parents gave her a trip to Albuquerque. So, that summer, we loaded up her car with my dad, my brother, a seven month old, and WAY too much luggage and headed out. The whole way there and back she shared stories about her, my grandpa, my dad and his siblings that I had never heard before. Let me tell you, I thought they were all innocent and well behaved….now I know where my brothers get their wild streak 🙂 Just kidding, mostly…..

Anyway, I have learned so much from her. She has the strongest faith of anybody I know. She is someone who observes and doesn’t say much but when she speaks, you listen! I think about how much this world has changed in her lifetime and how she just takes it all in stride.

Both these women are amazing and I can only hope to be as strong, faithful and kindhearted as they are. Love you both!


  • Carrie Fett

    Aunt Leona is all the things you have said and more. She and Uncle Arno were my rocks growing up. She taught me so much.
    She has supported me from a young age even if she felt I may be making a mistake and gave me Christian advise, and now has continued to support me thru pain and loss.
    But she is also the Aunt I love to hang out with. We shop till we drop and eat too much,
    I look forward to seeing her every chance I get. I love her so much and have truly been blessed to have her in my life.