Life,  Motherhood

Hey there, it’s been awhile!

Soooo…’s been awhile, I’m sure you were wondering where I’d gone – NOT! 😀 (If you really were, thank you for your curiosity!)

You may remember in my post back in April on National Siblings day, I stated that I knew we weren’t done having children….

…..WELL it turns out that I was giving away a secret that I didn’t know I was keeping 🙄 Shortly after writing those words (like DAYS after) I found out we are expecting our 3rd child!

Now, before you say (in your most motherly/grandmotherly voice), “Anna, don’t you know how that happens?”…Yes, we are TOTALLY aware of how that happens – we have two children already! Both of which took planning and months of trying to get here. God had other plans this time!

So, just as we were getting into a routine of being a family of four, our lives were turned upside down again!

I am a horrible pregnant lady! I get sick, have to get fluids, think that I’m never going to make it through another day feeling this crappy and each time I am pregnant, I SWEAR it will be the last time!

When I was pregnant with the first, things weren’t so bad (in hindsight), then having a 1 year old and being pregnant was a challenge but now having a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old and trying to fight the nausea, exhaustion and general crappinesss of the beginnings of pregnancy, I have to say this is the worst one yet.

Now, mind you, I am SUPER excited to have another child, I’m just not big on the whole process that it takes to get there.

Currently, I am trying not to freak out about the fact that by the end of the year, I will have a 3 year old, a 1 year old and a newborn – in the winter – my most favorite and most hated season! I love the snow and all the “fun” things about winter but HATE the darkness and loneliness of it!

So, long story long….I promise I haven’t left you, I am just now getting back among the living and finding time to put some thoughts on paper again. I have missed the therapeutic experience that comes when I write. Be prepared for some ups, downs, and thought provoking posts to come!

Here’s to an amazing summer making memories and living life!! 💚