About Leo & Lucy

Hello and welcome to Leo & Lucy! I am so glad you stopped by and that I get to share my own little piece of the world with you.

My name is Anna and I hail from a small town in Nebraska. (Like really, REALLY small town…our population sign says 294 but I’m pretty sure that includes all the dogs and half the cats in town!)

I grew up a block from where I currently live…BUT that doesn’t mean I haven’t left home! My dad decided to go to seminary when I was 10 years old so we packed up our 3 bedroom house and moved 8 hours away….I thought it was the end of the world!! As it turns out, it was the best thing that could have happened to me! I have moved many times since then and can honestly say, all those moves helped shape me into the person I am today.

In 2014, I married the man of my dreams (it only took me 15 years to realize he was the one….but that is a story for another day!) We now have 2 beautiful boys and an old dog who thinks he is human!

I have always been able to express myself better through writing. So, when our family suffered a tragedy on 10.27.18, I took to writing as a form of therapy as well as keeping our family, friends and kind strangers up to date on my husband’s journey. (If you would like to follow that journey check out these posts.) In the weeks following, I felt the strong urge to tell people my story. My story as a wife, mother, woman, faithful Christian, and small town girl. Not because it is something special, but because it is something normal.

When I am not busy wrangling children, keeping up a house, managing the office of my husband’s business or writing, I enjoy reading, crafting and making people smile!

I truly look forward to sharing my thoughts, dreams, trials and triumphs with you! I hope that I can make you laugh, be a shoulder you can cry on, and make you think!